Before booking your appointment, please take a moment to read through the Before Booking page.
It has some important info about things like skincare, medications,
and health conditions that could affect your service, along with our studio policies.
If anything’s unclear or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out — We’re happy to help!

Updated Studio Information
Studio Policies
CHILDREN IN THE STUDIO : No children are permitted in the studio unless they are receiving waxing services.
BEFORE BOOKING : Please review this information prior to booking your appointment, new and returning clients.
RUNNING LATE : If you are running more than 5 minutes late to your wax/tint/consult appointment, or more than 15 minutes late to your tattoo appointment, we may need to reschedule. Cancellation fees are applicable.
NEED TO CANCEL : Cancellation fees apply to waxing/tinting/consult appointments rescheduled within 48 hours ($10 fee), and microblading/nano appointments rescheduled within 7 days ($50 fee) of your scheduled date and time. A text or voicemail is sufficient as they are date and time stamped.
MISSED APPOINTMENT : If you miss an appointment (no show) an appointment, you will need to pay the ‘missed appointment fee’ prior to rescheduling ($25 for waxing/tinting/consult and $75 for microblading/nano appointments).
REPEAT CANCELLATIONS/NO SHOWS : Frequent cancellations ( 3 or more in a 1-year period, or 2 in a row) and/or missed apppointments (no show) will result in being only able to book same day appointments, and could result in the termination of future treatments.
​APPOINTMENT REMINDERS : Although you may receive text or email reminders, it is your sole responsibility to keep track of your appointments.
ACCEPTED PAYMENTS : Cash and Zelle are accepted with no fee. Change for cash is available.
Card is accepted via tap/chip with an additional fee of 2.75%.
OHIO SALES TAX : All services are applicable to Ohio Sales Tax of 6.5%.